How Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Will Change Physical Therapy
If there’s one topic that’s guaranteed to make a physical...
How to Take Advantage of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring Codes in 2022
Physical therapists are no strangers to the use of technology...
The ABCs of Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) Codes
There’s good news on the Medicare-reimbursement front for rehab providers...
The Role of Telehealth in Value-based Care: Does it replace us, displace us, or augment what we do?
In case you missed it, our latest webinar was jam-packed...
New Paths to Value: The 411 on MIPS Value Pathways
PT practices participating in MIPS—Medicare’s Merit-based Incentive Payment System—have probably...
5 Reasons Patient Engagement and Outcomes Go Hand in Hand
As value-based care and quality payment programs gather steam, a...
4 big business benefits of MIPS participation
When Medicare created the Merit-based Incentive Payment System, its goal...
The 411 on direct access to physical therapy
Who would have thought the fight would last this long?...
Three ways to improve outcomes through patient education
Many patients experience anxiety when they face recovery from an...
Quality Matters: A beginner's guide to MIPS
If you’re like most physical therapists, three things are likely...
Why patient engagement is so important
Healthcare research shows that engaged patients are more likely to...
Time to Prepare: 5 value-based care tips from industry leaders
With Medicare’s Quality Payment Program up and running, the shift...
Lead with Mission: A look to the future with Larry Benz
With 2020 finally behind us and signs that the pandemic...
The effects of patient behavior on patient outcomes
Healthcare as we know it is changing, and this brings...
The Link Between Outcomes and Continuing Education
Today we welcome John Woolf, PT, to the Keet blog....
Four Key Takeaways from our MIPS Webinar
In our latest webinar about MIPS, the QPP and future...